Mission Golden Bird

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What Is Golden Bird ?


The Golden Sparrow that India was…

India, the land of dreams, fabulous wealth, minerals & mines, palaces & jewels, flora & fauna, with antiquities of which rest of world under the sun had been be envious of. India from Himalayas to Ayurveda, from Kamasutra to Spirituality, Taxashila to Chanakya’s Kautilya….had it all. India, a classic Country of pride and envy for other Countries in the World. India flourished in the Gupta Empire, (320-650 AD). This period has been called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering, art, literature, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as the Hindu culture.

During ancient times Hindus were the masters of the seaborne trade of Europe, Asia and Africa. Almost every nation on earth obtained to a large extent its supplies of fine cotton and silk fabric, spices, indigo, sugar, drugs, precious stones and many curious works of art from India in exchange of gold (sona) and silver. This traditional prosperity of India was nicknamed as “Golden Sparrow”, Golden Bird or “Sone Ki Chidiya”. India was referred to a Sparrow as the Country was as sublime and joyful as a sparrow, also most importantly India was harmless and nonviolent country, hence the comparison to a sparrow.

During ancient times Hindus were the masters of the seaborne trade of Europe, Asia and Africa. Almost every nation on earth obtained to a large extent its supplies of fine cotton and silk fabric, spices, indigo, sugar, drugs, precious stones and many curious works of art from India in exchange of gold (sona) and silver. This traditional prosperity of India was nicknamed as “Golden Sparrow”, Golden Bird or “Sone Ki Chidiya”. India was referred to a Sparrow as the Country was as sublime and joyful as a sparrow, also most importantly India was harmless and nonviolent country, hence the comparison to a sparrow.

India was the world’s largest economy in AD 1500 with a whopping 24.5% share of the Global Trade. In 2024 India has reached only up to 2.4% of the Global Trade share through Exports.


What is “ Mission Golden Bird”

Times have changed and so has India. Indian economy also needs a metamorphosis to suit today’s times. Indians have the knack of doing business, undoubtedly. Indians are inherently traders with sharp business acumen. If India could have a glorious past, we can collectively strive to bring the “Golden Days” back in India.

“Mission Golden Bird” is all about working towards the love for our Country. This is our least of patriotism, allegiance, loyalty towards our country to bring in “Sone ki Chidiya” days back. Of course, ‘Sone ki Chidiya is a little too much to expect in today’s times, but strive to bring in more & more foreign exchange in the Country, earn in foreign currency and improve our economic situation. From International Trade deficit situation, we must transform into Trade surplus economic state for India.

We are passionate about bringing the “richness” of India back into India, under the Indian control. We desire to make our Country once again proud, once again competent, and once again glorious.